Write in Urdu is a launched just for the service of fellow urdu speaking people who want to write in urdu online!

Write in Urdu was part of Nabtron but due to its success and regular usage was moved to a seperate domain of its own.

On this website, writeinurdu.com, you can write your name in urdu or write any message in urdu and just copy it to any other website or email composer to send it / submit anywhere. We're also working on some more ideas to let you directly post your names in urdu to facebook or email them directly from writeinurdu.com without need to copy your names in urdu and then paste to other website. Wish Good Luck to us!

If you liked the website then tell your friends how they can write their names in urdu or write anything in urdu! Share our webiste writeinurdu.com on facebook, twitter and other social networks to help them find this awesome website!